Sunday, July 19, 2015

Modesty Is Beauty- Katelyn

What is modesty?

 The dictionary definition states: regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.

I am officially launching the "Modesty is Beauty" campaign. I believe the term "modesty" goes way beyond a dictionary definition. Its more than covering your body or watching the way you talk. It is in your very being. 

What is beauty?

The dictionary definition for beauty says: 

an individually pleasing or beautiful quality; grace; charm:

I believe that no matter what size, shape or color you are, you are beautiful. Our culture has taken beauty and made it into something its not. Many young girls and women believe that in order to be beautiful they have to wear booty shorts and tank tops that hang too low for a night out or string bikinis to go swimming.

I'm here to tell you that our culture is wrong. I believe beauty is so much more than that. It is more beautiful than that.

Paul says in 1 Timothy, 2:8-10, “I desire…that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, please join me in raising up our young girls into believing that they can be beautiful in the bodies God gave them without being naked. 


Here is what Katelyn believes about modesty... She says,

"When I think of the word 'modest' the old adage 'modest is hottest' does not come to mind because modesty is not about being hot or even how you look at all. Being modest allows one to highlight their inner beauty instead of their outer beauty. By being modest and covering up you are showing that there is so much more to you than how you look and that one's beauty is not defined solely by looks. By being modest you also show respect for God and other believers by not trying to tempt them with revealing clothing."